Health supplements for you, your family and your much loved pets and animals.

Our sustainably sourced products are certified, are of the highest quality and packaged in biodegradable bags.

The information provided on this website does not seek to diagnose disease, or to replace medical advice. Proper medical advice should be sought in the first instance and the information on this site should not be used to self-diagnose. Please exercise caution when taking nutritional supplements and herbal remedies.


We have a strong commitment to protecting the environment, and have put enormous effort into sourcing fully recyclable packaging.

Our products are of the highest quality and nutrient-dense, grown with absolutely no pesticides. They have been sourced from suppliers who prioritise sustainability.


I’ve been using Diatomaceous Earth for nearly 5 years now and quite honestly say I’ve finally found my Healthy Hallelujah!

These are just some of the health benefits I’ve been enjoying using DE…A wonderful increase in my energy and stamina.My skin is smoother and firmer now. I used to have brittle, soft nails with ridges….now they’re strong and smooth. I used to suffer from hair fall/loss/thinning…now I’ve got my mane back! The biggest thing friends and family comment on are the anti-aging effects.

It is very, very affordable too.

I’m so happy and grateful to Gordon from Willow Farm for having the vision and insight to make this available in Ireland.

I’ve just received my first bag of pest grade to use for my pets now too and looking forward to treating them to the very best of healthy living too.

Paula Cummins – Dublin

get rid of vine weevils from containers
Chemical Cleaning Products
How to make a natural face mask made with Diatomaceous Earth
Plum and Beetroot Smoothie

Diatomaceous Earth Supplements for Healthy People Animals and Homes

Pest Grade

Eliminates Bed Bugs, Lice, Red Mite, Fleas Ticks, Tapeworm, Heartworm, Mange..and more!

Food Grade

As a health supplement. DE has so many uses! Increased energy, healthier skin, hair, teeth…

Animal Grade

A natural wormer for livestock and pets.  Eliminates parasites, ticks etc